Monday, January 20, 2014

Discovery of Yourself

My first home at SMC
Before attending Saint Mary's College it was my dream to attend the University of Notre Dame. I grew up in South Bend, IN where that is the dream of a lot of students even knowing how "impossible" it is to be accepted into Notre Dame. While applying for schools though I noticed that Saint Mary's had the exact program I wanted to be involved in, Art Education. I really found myself wanting to combine assets of the two schools (yeah right). I applied to both Notre Dame and Saint Mary's because my mom's job at ND covers my full tuition at both of them, and I knew I wanted to stay close to home.

When I got my rejection letter from ND (actually I got two counting the one notifying my mom), I think I cried for a full day.

Thinking back to that time in high school, I really want to kick myself in the butt for ever second guessing Saint Mary's. Now I'm even telling my younger sister how much I want her to attend Saint Mary's, particularly because she also loves art. Even though the reason I ended up at Saint Mary's seems shallow and simple the reason I plan to stay here, why I work here, and desperately want to move back to campus is because SMC gave me something I never had. It gave me numerous opportunities, I don't think I've ever been told I couldn't do something since I walked through the door, I'm never afraid to ask questions, and I have the most educational support I've had in my life. Sometimes it even comes from girls who barely know me.

First Portfolio Review - Out in the open

I think my empowerment at Saint Mary's comes from the fact that it is a small school where I can get the attention I need. I think it comes from being a single-sex campus where I can feel 100% comfortable walking around outside at 11PM in my pajamas. I think it comes from a focus on liberal arts education that opens your mind social inequalities and connects them to your interests and values. I don't think I would've ever had this experience without Saint Mary's College.