Monday, April 7, 2014

Satrapi and God

In her graphic novel, Satrapi combines a huge amount of politics with the outcomes of her own life. During her adventure, she sends her childhood image of "God" away and he never returns again to her life.

God might represent her childhood views of Iranian or herself or both. This part of her might have been what needed to grow in order for her to move on from her Iranian identity crisis.

In my screenplay I would like to discuss where he might have returned to her. I believe this occurs during her suicide attempt. She blacks out for around three days while her parents are gone. At this point she had left, had her teenage/political break down in Vienna and returned back to Iran. Mostly I find it interesting that her real breakdown occurs after she returns to the point where she tries to overdose on medication. When she wakes up she discusses how she doesn't know what compelled her to get up or why she is still alive (even her doctor does not know). In my opinion, that's about as divine as it gets. I believe during her black out her mind was still working enough to have a conversation about her identity, where she was headed, and how she might try to get there with her childhood "god" character.

My scene might include from the original graphic novel:

  • Satrapi's "God" character with the appropriate characterizations
  • The present state of Iran (when she blacks out)
    • it's connection with her identity
      • political views ?
      • the veil ?
  • A flashback to the moment when she shut god out of her life
  • Satrapi's characteristics
Some original pieces of my scene might include:
  • A new conversation with God
  • A motive to wake up
    • schooling 
      • schooling in Tehran ?
    • self-assured
  • Life-like scenery? keep Animation?

This event in the book was really important to me and was not stressed enough in the film as her real exit from her depressed state. Although later she encounters more struggle, her Iranian identity is much more solidified after she awakens from the suicide attempt. A screenplay of what went through her mind during the blackout might be an interesting spot to bring back her connection with "god"

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